3 Useful Tips How to Make Videos for a Business

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Businesses often create tutorial videos both as marketing material as well as customer support. While the way tutorials are structured can be different, at the end of the day a ‘good’ tutorial video is one that is able to help viewers solve their problem or learn what they want to know. That can be a bit tricky to pull off, and not all the tutorials that you create may be as effective as you hope. If you want to improve them, there are few tips how to make videos that could help:

  • Keep the video as concise as possible

Ideally, your video tutorial will provide viewers with full and complete instructions, but in as simple and concise a manner as possible. It helps to plan your videos in advance, list the steps in your tutorial, and decide if they can be simplified.

Be thorough in your research, and make sure that your tutorial describes the easiest possible series of steps.

Try to avoid deviating from the topic of the tutorial or adding in information that isn’t relevant to it. All that will do is extend your video tutorial and make it more difficult to follow.

  • Use clear and simple language

Each of the steps in your tutorial should be set out in clear and simple language. Stay away from technical terms or jargon wherever possible, unless there is really no alternative.

Before you finalize your script you should vet it for words that could have double meanings, or other unwanted implications. The goal should be that when people watch your video there is no ambiguity regarding what they need to do.

Make it a point to rehearse the voiceover as well, so you don’t end up stumbling at any point when you actually record it.

  • Show each step as clearly as you can

A big part the reason why tutorial videos can be so effective is that you get to ‘show’ each step being performed. It is important that you capitalize on that, and make sure you are showing each step as clearly as you can.

That starts with recording the right type of footage for your tutorial. In some cases, you may want to record conventional videos, while in others you may want to learn how to make tutorial videos with a screen recorder, such as Movavi Screen Recorder Studio for example.

On top of that, there are other factors that you will want to weigh, such as the angle and how ‘zoomed in’ the video is. The best tutorial videos show their steps so clearly that the voiceover may not even be necessary.

If you follow the tips how to make videos listed above, you should end up with a good tutorial that viewers find useful and help them to solve their problem or perform the actions that they need to. That will make it a very effective video, whether you use it for marketing, as video content on your website, or even as part of your customer support knowledge base.

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