About Us
World’s Ultimate is a source of instant brief knowledge on past and present major Events, Inventions, discoveries, achievements accomplished by world’s renowned genius people. World’s Ultimate is proud to compile for its readers, a deep study on the Feats of these great performers who brought about uncountable development to make present day life easy. We discuss the landmarks stamped permanently by these History – Makers who laid the foundation stones for Modern Technological Advancements.
Observe Revolutions thru Ages
World’s Ultimate wishes the readers to understand and feel the depth of inventive intuition possessed by these Ultimate Scholars and Scientists of all times. How they keenly observed the petty daily life happenings, picking straw like hints, processed them in their Intuition “Boilers” at times for decades, driven by their Conviction and Commitment only and finally polished these Raw Ideas into amazing ever useful Inventions, Discoveries and Master Pieces of Art for Mankind. They saw common things and behaviors from different perspective and reacted uniquely. These great Minds produced results that were shocking and unbelievable in their own times too. But in Reality, as acknowledged today, these basic studies opened vast chains of possibilities and probabilities for future developments.
World’s Ultimate invites all to pay homage to these great personalities for their untiring efforts, firm convictions and commitment for decades of continued struggle until success, despite all odds, limitations and initial failures. World’s ultimate will prove a useful handy source of basic knowledge on World’s Unforgettable Miraculous Technical leaders that change history and living style of mankind in their own field of expertise.
History, Religion, Sport, Arts, Music, Heroes, Masters
Worlds Ultimate will help transfer knowledge to students, teachers and persons intending to increase I.Q. level. This portal’s unlimited and ever expanding exploration trips will take your thinking to the heights beyond imagination. Just ponder on the exquisite details for a while and feel the urge to know more. Intensive study of their work is like following the pathway of these successful personalities that matter even today, although they left us long ago.
This portal describes life sketches of all the greatest success achievers in various fields of life. Science Music, Arts, Religion, Architecture, Nature, Wonders of the world, to mention a few, and high lights the specific features of their brilliant Feats.
World’s ultimate will continue developing its Portfolios to accommodate Reader’s positive suggestions, comments, specific requests as far possible to make it extensive, progressive, appealing and usefully useable BY ALL AGE GROUPS. Stay clicked to World’s Ultimate Revelations.